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Herstory of Dance

Pierce: And then in the season finale, they reveal the whole thing was a dream, when the Inspector wakes up next to a very young and very topless Cheryl Tiegs. Jeff: Even Pierce loves this show now? Abed: It’s not…

Economics of Marine Biology

Jeff: So, a rich dumb-dumb who will never graduate and keep dropping money into the school indefinitely. Got it. Britta: Is there really that much money in this, Dean, or is it like that endorsement deal you made with let’s…

Advanced Documentary Filmmaking

Dean Pelton: I first met Chang when I hired him as a Spanish teacher at Greendale. Then he became a disgraced student, psychopathic music major, homeless vent dweller, security guard, keytarist, power hungry warlord, and now, Kevin. It’s sad to…

Conventions of Space and Time

Britta: Hi, Abed. Just here for my breakfast date with Troy. Troy: Oh, good morning, Britta. I haven’t seen you in over 12 hours. Britta: Ha ha, Yeah. Abed: I know you two are having sex, I’ve known for weeks.…

Paranormal Parentage

Britta: Let me guess. You’re a flimsy excuse to be shirtless, wearing silk underwear. Jeff: And you’re, as wrong as you are welcome. Britta: Just because we’re dating doesn’t mean that we have to do everything together. Jeff: Well, you…

Digital Exploration of Interior Design (Part 1)

Shirley: “Any business operating for profit on Greendale’s campus must be at least 51 percent owned by a registered Greendale student.” Britta: That’s too bad, dean. I don’t recall seeing Subway in my Premenopausal Postfeminist Experiential Marketing class. Subway: Actually,…

Pillows and Blankets (Part 2)

Narrator: In 2012, Greendale Community College was the site of the largest and longest pillow fight in community college history. It shaped and scarred the landscape of their campus, and forever changed the lives of those involved. Narrator: A high…

Origins of Vampire Mythology

Dean Pelton: On an unrelated note, I’m into trains now. Britta: I have an ex-boyfriend that travels with a carnival. *everyone laughs at her* Annie: I’m sorry Britta, some things are funny because they make no sense. And that is…